South Bay Jewish Law Forum Presents
Personal Self-Defense vs. National Self-Defense
Contrasts and Commonalities under State, Federal, International and Jewish Laws
Date: Thursday Evening, November 2, 2023
Dinner & Social: 6:00pm
Panel Discussion: 7:30pm
Location: The Jewish Community Center of the South Bay - 2108 Vail Ave. Redondo Beach CA 90278
Entrance: $75 (Includes Dinner)
Prof. Rachel E. VanLandingham, Lt Col, USAF (ret).
Irwin R. Buchalter Professor of Law
Irwin R. Buchalter Professor of Law
Jack Keenan
Public Defender, County of Los Angeles
Public Defender, County of Los Angeles
Rabbi Zalman Gordon
The Jewish Community Center
The Jewish Community Center
Stuart L. Carroll
Law Offices of Stuart L. Carroll
Law Offices of Stuart L. Carroll